Patient information

Dr Lee treats all conditions of the lumbar spine.

Dr Lee will see all patients covered by Private Health Insurance, Workers Compensation schemes, as well as Department of Veterans Affairs Gold or White cardholders.

General Appointments Information

You can make an appointment to see Dr Lee by contacting his rooms on (08) 8267 8241.

Dr Lee consults from three sites across Adelaide: Parkside, Memorial Medical Centre, Calvary Central Districts Hospital. Please inform our friendly staff which location is most convenient for you.

For patients who do not have private insurance or third party motor vehicle claims, Dr Lee can still see you through the Public Hospital system at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. A referral can be sent directly to the Royal Adelaide Hospital by your GP.

Our friendly staff will send you a registration form for completion prior to your first appointment.

Please bring the following when you come in for your appointment:

  • Referral letter from your doctor. (Please note a referral letter from your General Practitioner to see Dr Lee last 12 months from the date it was written, whereas a referral letter from your Specialist last only 3 months from the date it was written)
  • Private health insurance information
  • Medicare card, DVA card
  • X-ray, MRI scans, CT scans and any other relevant investigations and reports. (Many imaging investigations may now be available online, however please confirm that we can access those images prior to your appointment).

For workers compensation patients, addition information is required:

  • Claim Number
  • Claim officer’s name and contact details
  • Insurer details
  • Date of Injury

Dr Lee collects spinal outcome measures for all his patients. This is to monitor the progress of your spinal treatment as well as helping to improve the care of other patients. You may be asked to fill in forms on spinal outcome measures each time you arrive to see Dr Lee.

Dr Lee likes to see all his patients in a timely manner. Occasionally Dr Lee may be delayed by a complex case or surgical emergency. We apologise in advance if this should occur and we thank you for your understanding.